Our Workflow

In this chapter we discuss our preferred workflow principals and processes.

Our workflow principals

To honour our values, we choose to work within the principles of Agile and this guides how we approach and conduct our work with clients. Agile is a methodology which is based on four values:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

  • People are our most vital influence. Communication with our clients and within our development team is the most important driver of our work.

Working software over comprehensive documentation.

  • We believe in thoroughly-researched and well-prepared documentation, but we believe in the priority of delivering valuable and successful technology more. We choose delivering excellent, meaningful software rather than committing to lengthy and inflexible technical specifications.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

  • Other methodologies require the client to be engaged only at the beginning and end of a project. We believe it is essential to have continuous collaboration with our client throughout the development process. This ensures we are delivering a product that achieves, and exceeds, the expectations of the client.

Responding to change over following a plan.

  • We believe it is essential to remain as flexible and adaptable as possible through project development. We welcome change in order to provide the most valuable product we can deliver.

How Manu Delivers Projects

Here is how we set out to do our work:

Discovery Workshop

The discovery workshop is a team effort, where we work together to determine your needs and goals. This helps us to prioritise tasks that add the most value for you and is the quickest for us to build. This becomes our guide for the coming sprints phase.

We will adjust the discovery workshop to best suit the needs of the client. While a face to face is preferable, a Skype or Google Hangout call is a close second best. Depending on the client the workshop could take a couple of hours over one or more calls. Then, we write up what we have learned in a Project Road-map which includes a service contract for the client to sign if they would like to proceed.

This is one of the most important phases - we work together to find out the 'why' of the issue or need. It is essential to establish this before we consider any potential solutions. The more time we spend here, the more likely we will have a successful outcome.


Once the Project Road-map is signed off we put identified requirements into order of priority and from there we divide the work into two week sprints.

A sprint is defined by meeting one or more milestones of work - typically this is finishing basic architecture or implementing a feature.

At the end of the sprint we will have a meeting to review the sprint, and the client/user test of the software.

If we encounter issues we will arrange a meeting with you. If at any stage you decide a certain feature is no longer desirable or you which to change aspects of the development, you may at any time request a meeting and propose changes.

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