What happens if...

We are realistic about projects - things don't always go according to plan and unforeseen things come up.

We do not deliver a sprint on time.

  • We arrange a meeting to discuss what happened and find a way forward.

We finish a sprint ahead of time or need more hours than anticipated.

  • You will only be charged for actual hours of work completed. We will not extend the planned hours in the sprint without your prior approval.

You aren’t satisfied with results.

  • We meet and discuss the unsatisfactory results and find a way forward.

You wish to finish the project, even if all the features haven’t been completed.

  • You can opt out at any time. We will need two weeks (for which we will require payment) to finish off any work and to collate all the work we’ve done in a neat package, for you to use as you please.

You did not make a payment on time.

  • We will continue work on the next sprint, however if payment has not been received at the end of the second sprint we will stop any further work until all funds have been paid to date. You will not gain access to any product developed during sprints that remain unpaid.

You decide you need more time to think things over.

  • We agree on a 'cool-down period', during which we do not work on your project and you do not pay us.

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